Liposuction is not a way to reduce your
weight or it’s not associated with obesity treatment. Liposuction is actually a
way of sculpting your body by suctioning out the undesired layer of fat deep
inside your skin layer. It helps in contouring your body shape, while
maintaining your curves. It doesn’t promises you of guaranteed weight loss,
this treatment just associated with providing your body the desired shape and
Liposuction also called lipoplasty, liposculpture
suction; lipectomy is used on abdomen, thighs, buttocks, neck, chin, upper and
backs of the arms, calves, and back. Liposuction-this procedure removes
undesirable fat of the body. It is an effective way to improve your appearance.
This liposuction surgery can be performed
under local or general anesthesia. In this, the small incisions are made, and
thin surgical cannula is guided through the layers of fat to break the fat
cells then the fat is removed by suctioning. Liposuction can be combined with
various plastic surgery procedures, like Tummy Tuck, Face Reduction and
Post-operative care:
- Don’t drive just after the treatment
- Avoid dehydration for max 48 hours post operation
- Wear elastic compression garment to avoid treated area getting dis-shaped
- Avoid bathing for a week, rather go for shower
- Choosing body part
- Slim figure
- Fat elimination instantly
- Boosts self esteem
- Weight gain afterwards
- Expensive
- Scarring issue
Under expert’s advice and guidance this procedure picture can be done safely, and
Dr. Prashant Yadav is one of the best known plastic surgeons. He’ll examine
your condition and will give you the best advice possible for your concern. We
have our clinics in Delhi, Gurgaon, Pune, Bangalore, and Jalandhar. You can
directly visit us at any of the convenient branch for consultation/appointment or
mail us at:
To know the cost of liposuction visit
Dr. Prashant Yadav
M.Ch. (Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery)
Clinic Pvt Ltd / +91 9272007896
Pune |
Delhi | Bangalore | Gurgaon
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