3 Hair Loss Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

hair loss symptoms

The signs or symptoms of hair loss conditions vary among men, women, and children. Hair loss can cause a considerable amount of distress and can be quite hard to face. Losing your hair is a gradual process which you are guaranteed to start noticing in the earliest stages. If you are finding many hairs on your pillow in the morning or noticing your hair is thinner than it is time to start thinking seriously about your hair loss.

Thinning Hair
Thinning hair problem can be caused by various reasons like stress, genetics etc. In fact, according to the Indian Hair Loss Association, approximately 40% of hair loss experienced in women. If you are suffering from thinning hair, do not fret. Hair loss is actually a gradual process, and it can be difficult to notice in short period of time. Thinning hair can cause emotional problem. Most of the times hair loss happens without any reason of illness.

Receding Hairline
Receding Hairline is a common problem in both men and women. Receding Hairline problem can be caused because of various factors like aging, genetics, hormonal imbalances and diseases. A receding hairline is a major problem which is expected in someone in their 50s or so, but if you are experiencing this signs much earlier than your 50s it is important to take action.

Bald Spots That Appear Circular or Patchy
Baldness is commonly occurs in male pattern thinning in which the gap between two hair shafts increases because of low hair density. At the same instance the hair shaft also loses its thickness which can makes hair damage.

Causes of Bald Spots:
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Genetic causes
  • Nutritional deficiency
  • Hectic lifestyle
  • Medications

 Sometimes, balding occurs in an irregular patchy manner or in a random circle shaped bald spots. Here at The Dezire Clinic, we know only too well how early intervention on trichology related issues can help to minimise hair loss, but we also have a range of treatments for baldness that could help you regain lost hair that looks natural and feels great.

FREE consultation at Dezire Clinic:
Every patient at Dezire Clinic must have a one-on-one consultation with a board certified hair transplantation physician to determine whether they are the candidate for hair transplantation. During your consultation session, our surgeon will listen to your concerns regarding any type of hair problem and suggest you the best treatment which you needed.

To confirm your consultation please visit Dezire Clinic, India.

To know the hair transplant cost  please fill the form on www.hair-transplant-pune.com/cost-calculator/ & mail your Bald area pictures to our email address.

Thanks and Regards,
Dr. Prashant Yadav
M.S., M.Ch. (Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery)
Dezire Clinic Pvt Ltd / +91 9272007896
dezireclinicindia@gmail.com / +91 9222122122
Pune | Delhi | Bangalore | Gurgaon

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